Blogs and Wikis to share

Dear Students and teachers,

I hear that you are planning to use wikis and blogs for your next big project! That is excellent. My students love blogging and using Wikis because they say that they “do better” when they are able to collaborate with each other, or at least look at the work other students are doing. Remember those days that you wrote in your books and put those books directly in your desks, or took the project home? Those days are over.
By putting your work up on the internet, you will have the chance to share your knowledge, your ideas, your work with the world. I bet other students in schools from around the world will read your blog and wiki and will LEARN from you.

For now, take a look at some of the blogs that my students have done (you’ll see the list on the side bar). As well, here is a link of a wiki that my students are working on for their science projects. You will notice that they have included Youtube videos and pictures directly on their assignments.

Project Wikispace:

Social studies:

Also you can find other student/classroom blogs here:
(scroll and find list of “edublog supporter”)

Other blogs to look at:
Grade Eight Ning:

It is important to be responsible and safe when blogging and using the internet. Remember not to use your full names. Remember to use the blog as a reflection of your own work and ideas, it is not a place for gossip.

I will update the list, as other classrooms send me their links (I’ve put the word out).


Mrs. Pipe