Transformative Teaching

I’m am just beginning to transform my methods…….

I did not know at the time that I would be taking as Robert Frost would say, ‘the road less traveled’.

Ever since I can remember, I have always had a keen interest in computers. When the school Information Technology Contact (ITC) role became available, I quickly volunteered. I did not assume this to be a leadership role, rather, a role that I could take that would help the school move forward.  At the time, I did not have any computer qualifications at at the time and I certainly did not assert that I was an expert in the area.  I did not know at the time that I would be taking as Robert Frost would say, ‘the road less traveled’. Unfortunately, the school was filled with old computers that were incompatible with most new software available through our board and most teachers, administrators, and students had little experience or knowledge using computers. I took this less traveled road, and with support from the school administration and through initiatives with parent groups, pizza days, and government funding, school dances, and special fundraising events,  today each classroom is  equipped with networked (internet) IBM computers. The school is  now  equipped with Smart Boards in EVERY  classroom as well as a mini-lab station with five portable laptops, which contain specialized assistive technology for special needs students. Continued support for change brought continued growth in the area of technology with the addition of digital cameras, video cameras, scanners,  document camera’s printers, webcams, use of pda’s, and finally, electronic home reading programs embedded within the program. With each technology tool,  our school demonstrated that the tool of technology increases student learning and promotes the mission of Education for All and provided an avenue for teachers to begin differentiated their instruction. It was in these years that I went through a process of transformative learning. Through the Effective Schools Mission, my school board has encouraged this transformational learning process and embraced the concepts around the change process by encouraging its members to think in a forward fashion and by providing the time for reflection.  The process of transformation has just begun and it is very exciting.

“Schools are anchored in the past and should be at the forefront of change not at the tail end. We should be change agents”.  Given the nature of our Educational System  a universal design model is the only way we can reach our goal”.

(William DeMille, 2008)

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